

Trusted Contact

We have been asked to explain the reason why some financial institutions ask for the name of a person that is often referred to as a “trusted contact.” There is frequently confusion about what rights that person has, specifically if they have access to any account their name is provided for.  The simple answer is, […]

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Retirement in Stages

One way to approach retirement is to think of it in stages. While retirement might seem like the final step of a journey, your goals and lifestyle will likely continue to evolve, and your income strategy should reflect that. For example, consider looking at your retirement in five-year stages; can you meet your income needs

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We were recently asked why we believe that an annuity can help with your retirement strategy. Three reasons come readily to mind.  The first reason is that they can be used as asset protection. Fixed annuities, for example, are safer for your money than volatile investment options. The second reason is the possibility of a

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In the context of bank accounts and who their beneficiaries are, TOD means transfer-on-death, and POD means payable-on-death. These types of designations can play an important role in your estate planning by enabling banks to transfer funds directly to your heirs without the need for probate.  This has a broader ramification than you may imagine.

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Before You Click 

Some scams are run on a daily basis, and are so intricately made, they can trick even the smartest of us. The scams we’re talking about come in the form of emails where the sender shows up in your email box as purportedly coming from an entity you recognize, such as the Social Security Administration,

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Retirement Paycheck 

Retirement is different from your working years–you’re no longer putting in time and collecting a paycheck regularly. Creating a sustainable paycheck in retirement is, however, an art worth mastering. Without a full-time employer, retirees are left with the task of cobbling together a sustainable cash-flow strategy that will not only cover their expenses, but also

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Tying to Knot

According to the US Census Bureau, about 1 in 5 people over the age of 60 have married at least twice. However, all marriages are not created equal. The Schwab Center for Financial Research lets us know that “Unlike those just starting out in life, many older individuals have adult children, substantial assets, and established

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Back to Basics

An annuity is a financial product designed to provide a regular, guaranteed income stream (backed by the claims-paying ability of the carrier) over a specified period or for the rest of a person’s life. Essentially, it’s a contract between you and an insurance company in which you make a lump-sum payment called a premium. In

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